Monday, June 2, 2014

Poster Crit 2


  1. This is looking really great, I really like your color scheme. The only letter that is looking a little off is the R. The skeleton head looks awesome, but it is hard to tell that it representing the letter R without previously knowing, I suggest maybe adding another stick on a angle to create the other leg of the R.

  2. I like the way this is coming along. I love the way the spider turned out, and how the eye for the O did as well. The color scheme is great! I can't wait to see the finished product :)

  3. I love it! but i agree that you should add another stick to the R so it reads more as the letter.

  4. This is great! I feel like it's complete. Im being picky, but I think the snake would look cool with scales.

  5. I love what you did with this, the colors especially. I would just make sure the letters are all equal in size so that its reads as 'monsters' more easily, Also, this could be just me, but I don't see the last one as an 'R',
    Overall great job.

  6. I like this a lot. I like the color scheme, and the spider and the head on the stick are really done well.
