Monday, April 7, 2014

Project 1: Critique 1 || Lauren DePree

In my room, I become easily distracted while trying to create.

Pen - simplistic
Notebook - realistic
Phone - Anthropomorphic

I'm still trying to refine my sentence and it's exact wording - any thoughts?

As I work through what exactly is going to go into my more detailed objects, did my simple pen for now.

Is it too simple? Should I add some more detail? Or does it work as the point is simplicity?


  1. I like the little details in your pen. I personally love this because it looks really clean and fits the simple category. Good job! :)

  2. I really like your pen, very clean! I think adding some color would add something without adding more detail.

  3. It looks good but it really needs a little bit of color.
