Monday, April 14, 2014

Critique 2- S.Duran

Fox finds food.

Simple- Map (Find)
Realistic- Fox
Anthro- Food/Upset and Worried

The fox is in its base stage with the fur.


  1. The map looks great - much more accurate compared to your last one. The bends and folds look really nice.

    Your use of negative space on the fox is great. Also, the brush effect (almost feathery) to make the fur look realistic is very well done, especially on the face.

  2. I agree that the folds in your map look so much better- you did a great job taking what was said from the last critique and improving your design. I like where you're going with the fox but to make it just a little more realistic I would suggest making the eyes a little darker. The texture of the fur is great though!

  3. The anthro piece is very creative, I like how you used the pickle as the tongue for the burger. Overall very good, although the eyes on the carton on french fries looks too similar to the sweat drops and at first glance I was confused on what it was.
