Monday, April 14, 2014

Proj 1 Crit 2 Carey

The crown is my simple drawing and the snowflake is the anthropomorphic. I have a lot to add to both of these but these are the building blocks. My other illustration is my realistic apple.


  1. I really love the crown! The effect with the lighting makes it look exciting while still simple. I think maybe the snowflake could be a bit more anthropomorphic though. I can see that there is a face there, but I can't really get a strong emotion from it. But they look amazing!

  2. Both of these look great! The snowflake looks awesome, it is so beautifully intricate, but I agree that the face is hard to see, I would work more on trying to make it slightly more evident. Your crown works very well as your simple illustration, but I would maybe try to add a few more details.

  3. These two illustrations are really well made. But when put together, both drawings look "simple" due to the way they are drawn. I see the lips in the snowflake but the "face" gets lost in the black. It might be helpful to make those features a different color, for example the lips could be "ruby red" that way the "face" can stand out more.

  4. The crown is great, but maybe a little too simple. I wasn't sure what it was at first to be honest (maybe that's just me). Are there any other minor details you can add to it to make it a little more obvious but still simple?
